REITA 井ノ浦 黎太
入社を決めた要因を3つ教えてください。What are the three factors that made you decide to join the company?
初めは同業者とはいざ知らず、唯、私の直感で只者では無い空気感を感じ、見事的中。凡ゆる経営者や著名人、ご家族までご紹介頂き、自身もコミュニケーションを度々取らせて頂く中で、沸々と「この人の下で働く事で、思想やプロセスを近い距離感で共有させて貰い、自身の成長に繋げたい」と考え、すぐに行動に移し、現在では支配人として従事させて頂き、実りある日々を送っております。① Speed of opening new stores, a rarity in the food industry.
I have been involved in the food industry for many years, from when I was a teenager until now, and have experienced a wide range of business types, from mega-franchise companies with nationwide operations to individual community-based restaurants, as the environment and times have changed. I have experienced a wide range of business types, from mega-franchise companies that have expanded nationwide to individual, community-based restaurants, in response to changes in the environment and the times.
② I could not stay away from the company.
The company offers a flexible environment that allows employees to work in a way that suits their individual lifestyles, as well as benefits such as overseas training programs.
③ Encounter with the President
President Tsukahara was originally a regular customer at the private restaurant where I worked.
At first, I had no idea that he was a competitor, but my intuition gave me a sense that he was something else, and my instincts were spot on. He introduced me to all kinds of managers, celebrities, and even his family, and as I communicated with him often, I thought, "I would like to work for him, share his ideas and processes with him at a close distance, and connect them to my own growth. I am now engaged as a manager, and I am living a fruitful life. -
仕事のやりがいや、醍醐味は?What is the most rewarding or exciting part of your job?
この店舗数や規模に対して、社長と現場の距離感が間接的且つ物理的に近く、意思や狙いが直接伝わりやすい為、ブレない芯を持って働くことができ、結果として、お客様に対し、多方面から還元されているのが見てわかる点です。The number and scale of the company's stores are indirectly and physically close to the president, making it easy for his intentions and aims to be conveyed directly to the employees.
新しく仲間に入る人に求めることを教えてください。What are you looking for in a new person joining your group?
チャレンジ精神と自身を俯瞰的に見れる、メタ認知能力。そして、現状に甘んじず常に自身と先を見据えている様な人と切磋琢磨していき、情熱を持って一緒に挑んで行きたいと思います。We are looking for people who have a spirit of challenge, metacognitive ability to look at themselves from a bird's eye view, and who are not content with the status quo. We would like to have friendly competition with people who are not content with the status quo and are always looking ahead to the future, and we would like to take on challenges together with passion.